I marked the general holiday season for my students Wednesday, the last day before spring break. I say general because humanity has been reveling in the equinox for quite a long time, in many guises and traditions. Passover has begun, and Easter approaches, but, too, Nowruz is still a thing. For my students I brought cookies and pop, and after they took their quiz we had a snack and relaxed a bit. We also talked about the Hilaria, the ancient Greek & Roman festival celebrated around the vernal equinox. It’s spring. Why not rejoice in it? We all have our reasons.
Today is a rest day for me. I have many tasks still to undertake, but I am taking this day for myself. The Sidhe is traveling to see her parents, so it’s just us boys–myself and Dalek–and I plan to do a significant amount of nothing. Minecraft beckons, especially potently now that I am playing on a server with a couple of friends. There’s House of Cards on Netflix, which I hear is quite worth my while. I borrowed a book from a fellow teacher, the Silver Warriors (by Michael Moorcock), pursuant to a discussion we had about fantasy writing. It’s been a long time since I’ve done reading for pleasure. But all of these things are only going to be pursued in even temper. No rushing about trying to maximize my fun. That would ruin the whole thing.
Joyous feast days to you all.